新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一男子每年看书700本阅读秘笈公开 高三美少女被..

一男子每年看书700本阅读秘笈公开 高三美少女被..

A man reading a book every year 700 high school girl reading secrets were disclosed ..

2016-01-28 17:41:44来源: 中国青年网


Per year by so many books, seen through? He said, have the skills to read, he read a book and look at the sequence Postscript, and then decide to see or not see, the Intensive or extensive reading. Some books may be just looking through some books may be just a few or a few paragraphs in which the off, while others will see the book several times. Every year, he has to do reading notes ...