新关注 > 信息聚合 > Zynga首席执行官卸职 公司创始人重掌大权

Zynga首席执行官卸职 公司创始人重掌大权

Zynga chief executive and founder of

2015-04-09 11:02:02来源: 07073游戏网

4月9日消息,社交游戏大厂Zynga周三宣布前CEO唐·马特里克(Don Mattrick)卸职,公司创始人兼主席马克·平库斯(Mark Pincus)将接替其职位。这一人事变动即日起生效。 唐·马特里克 “2013年7月当我加盟这家公司时,我和马克拥有一个共同愿景,那就是将Zy...

4 game to regain power network company, leaving 9 news, Zynga social game maker CEO announced on Wednesday before don Mattrick (Don Mattrick) office, the company founder and chairman Mark Pinkus (Mark Pincus) will take over his position. The changes will take effect as of today. Don Mattrick "in 2013 July when I joined the company, Mark and I have a common vision, that is Zy...