新关注 > 信息聚合 > 热血街霸3D我的地盘怎么不能投资? 投资失败怎么办

热血街霸3D我的地盘怎么不能投资? 投资失败怎么办

Blood Street Fighter 3D I sites do not invest? The failure of investment how to do

2015-04-21 18:08:49来源: 4399

问:热血街霸3D我的地盘怎么不能投资了? 热血街霸3D投资失败怎么办 答:这个问题,新手很容易遇上,关键问题是出在你的星星数量不够了,手上星星不足时,继续探险下去遇到的投资、遇到的装修等只能跳过了...

ask: Blood Street Fighter 3D I sites do not invest? Blood Street Fighter 3D investment failed to answer: this question, novices can easily meet, the key problem is the number of stars in your hand is not enough, lack of the stars, to continue exploration investment, it met met can skip the decoration etc....