新关注 > 信息聚合 > 到印度去 中国手机厂商的机会还是陷阱?

到印度去 中国手机厂商的机会还是陷阱?

To India to China mobile phone manufacturers opportunity or trap?

2015-05-11 09:52:36来源: TechWeb

到印度去 中国手机厂商的机会还是陷阱? 文/孙永杰 随着小米CEO雷军的一句“Are You Ok”,印度手机市场再次让中国手机厂商充满想象。目前全球第三大手机市场、较低的准入市场门槛、类似中国...

the opportunity to go to India to China mobile phone manufacturers or trap? Text / Yongjie with millet CEO Lei Jun of the saying "are you OK", India's mobile phone market once again let Chinese mobile phone manufacturers are full of imagination. Currently the world's third largest mobile phone market, lower access to the market threshold, similar to china...