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初春搭配水准高 Gaga也美一回了

In early spring the matching level high Gaga also beauty of a back

2015-03-18 18:06:15来源: 人民网

导语:回南天的潮湿,暖洋洋的温度......都在告诉我们春天正式来临了,是时候要穿得娇美一些,不然就会被3月的鲜花给比下去,明星们早就意识到这点了,3月一大波的美look出现在我们面前,Cate Blanchett、Olivia Palermo、Rihanna等这些公认时尚咖就不说了,连...

Intro: back to the south the moist, warm temperature... Are telling us the spring formal come, it is time to dress beautiful some, otherwise it will be March flowers to shame, stars have been aware of this point, in March, a wave of American look appeared in front of us, Cate Blanchett, Olivia Palermo, Rihanna etc. these recognized fashion lady did not say, even the...