新关注 > 信息聚合 > 99对新人伉俪在石林千亩花海举行彝族婚礼


99 couple husband and wife in Shilin acres of flowers held wedding Yi

2015-10-02 23:51:05来源: 中国新闻网

中新网昆明10月2日电(记者 史广林)金秋10月,云南乃古石林千余亩波斯菊竞相绽放,粉红色的花朵在阳光照耀下鲜艳夺目。当天,来自世界各地的99对新人伉俪在毕摩的主持下体验彝族传统婚礼。 新人伉俪...

new network Kunming on October 2 - (reporter Shi Anlin) in October, Yunnan is the ancient stone forest over a thousand acres of cosmos bloom and pink flowers in the sun shine colorful. The same day, 99 couples from around the world and experience in traditional Yi Bimo under the auspices of the wedding. The new couple...