新关注 > 信息聚合 > 上海培佳双语学校开展中学部武术棍操比赛


Shanghai Peijia bilingual school middle school martial arts club aerobics competitions

2015-04-07 19:48:47来源: 中国上海

近日,上海培佳双语学校中学部利用周五“阳光活动”开展了武术棍操比赛,在校领导、学生部、年级组和班主任老师的支持配合下,比赛取得了圆满成功! 本学期开学,学校中学体育组全体教师就致力于这项工作的加...

recently Shanghai, Shanghai Peijia bilingual middle school by Friday "sunshine" to carry out martial arts club aerobics competitions, school leaders, students, grade and teacher's support, the game was a complete success! This semester, school sports group all the teachers have devoted in this work with...