新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第五届中国摩托艇联赛首站及中美澳滑水对抗赛5月..


The fifth session of the Chinese motorboat League first leg and the Australian ski tournament in May..

2015-04-23 01:00:47来源: 新浪

往届赛事照片 赛事举办地重庆彭水 原标题:第五届中国摩托艇联赛首站及中美澳滑水对抗赛5月重庆彭水举行 国际在线报道(记者 王竹):4月22日,第五届中国摩托艇联赛新闻发布会在国家体育总局...

previous event photos events to be held in Chongqing, Pengshui original title: the fifth session of the China motorboat League first leg and the Australian ski tournament held in Pengshui, May Chongqing international online news (reporter Wang Zhu): April 22nd, the fifth session of the Chinese motorboat League news conference at the State Sports General administration...