新关注 > 信息聚合 > QQ飞车新版本福利 小橘子手把手教你拿极品(4)

QQ飞车新版本福利 小橘子手把手教你拿极品(4)

New version QQ speed and benefits Small orange taught you how to get the best (4)

2016-04-19 23:06:00来源: 游久网

万人团购 4月14日-4月17日期间,玩家打开【商城狂欢-万人团购】,全场所有商品11Q币任购(紫钻更有9折优惠)!当参与玩家达到一定人数时,还可免费领取极品道具哦!

April 14, ten thousand deals - on April 17, players open, mall binge - ten thousand group-buying 】 【 whole 11 qq COINS of all the goods bought (purple drill more discount)! When in the player reaches a certain number, also can be gotten for free gourmet props!