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飙车不输GTA 索尼公布神秘海域4发售日期

Drag racing is not lost GTA Sony announced that the mysterious sea 4 launch date

2015-09-01 17:34:02来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】对于那些索尼的死忠们来说,《神秘海域4:盗贼末路》绝对是不能不玩的存在。对于这款大作,现在玩家们终于有了盼头,索尼正式公开《神秘海域4:盗贼末路》的发售日。 飙车不输G...

[Yesky News Channel News] for the Sony's death faithful, the mysterious waters: thieves dead end "is absolutely can not play there. For this masterpiece, now players has finally been Pantou, Sony officially open the mysterious waters: thieves politicos "release date. Drag racing is not lost G...

标签: 索尼