新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩星IU穿热裤秀长腿 手搭李玹雨肩上画面甜蜜(图)

韩星IU穿热裤秀长腿 手搭李玹雨肩上画面甜蜜(图)

Hanbyul IU wear hot pants legs show hand take Li Xuan shoulder picture sweet (Figure)

2015-08-26 09:18:13来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动() 中新网8月26日电 据香港“明报”消息,日前,韩国女星IU李知恩宣布下月将到香港开演唱会。日前,其与韩星李玹雨合作拍摄的最新服装广告曝光。 照片中,IU身穿热裤大秀修长美腿,还...

involved interactive) in new network on August 26, according to Hong Kong "Ming Pao news. Recently, South Korean actress IU leeji announced next month will go to Hong Kong for a concert. Recently, its cooperation with the Han Li Xuanyu shooting the latest fashion advertising exposure. In the photo, IU wearing shorts show slender legs, also...