新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美风暴追逐者镜头捕捉超级雷暴景象


Beauty storm chase camera capture supercell thunderstorm scene

2015-06-08 21:30:00来源: 青岛网络电视台

当地时间2015年6月3日,美国堪萨斯州Hanston,34岁的极端天气爱好者Robert Sinner用镜头捕捉到一场令人难以置信的超级旋转雷暴天气的演变过程。这场风暴显示了自然不可比拟的摧毁能力...

local time June 2015 3 days, Kansas in the United States Hanston, 34 year old extreme weather lover Robert sinner used the camera to capture to a incredible super rotation thunderstorm weather process of evolution. The storm has shown the ability to destroy nature...