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海飞丝再进化 《古墓丽影:崛起》毛发效果迈向新..

Head & shoulders, of the evolution of the Tomb Raider: the rise of "hair effect towards new..

2015-07-09 11:14:29来源: 新浪

今日水晶动力工作室宣布,将致力于改善《古墓丽影:崛起(Rise of the Tomb Raider)》的毛发技术,让劳拉的头发能更适应雨雪天气。正是AMD TressFX技术的改进,让《古墓丽影:...

today, the crystal power studio announced that will focus on improving the Tomb Raider: the rise (rise of the Tomb Raider)" hair technology, so that Laura's hair can be more adaptable to the rain and snow weather. Is the improvement of AMD TressFX technology, make "Tomb raider:...