新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2020年新增社区养老院190家


In 2020 the new community endowment Institute of the 190

2014-12-16 05:10:54来源: 中国青年网

本报讯(记者王雪 通讯员周钢)我市养老服务业综合改革试点正式启动。昨从市民政局的工作动员会上获悉,到2020年,我市将新增190家以上的社区养老院。 截至去年底,武汉60周岁以上的老年人口达14...

report from our correspondent (reporter Wang Xue Zhou Gang correspondent) comprehensive reform pilot pension service industry in our city officially launched. Yesterday from the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau of the work of mobilization meeting was informed that, by 2020, the our city will be the new home to more than 190 community nursing homes. By the end of last year, Wuhan 60 years older population reached 14...