新关注 > 信息聚合 > 热刺门将洛里等三人或因伤无缘周末比赛


Tottenham goalkeeper Lori three or injury missed the weekend game

2015-04-18 19:02:01来源: 华体网

热刺门将洛里以及中卫费尔通亨已经连续因伤病缺阵球队比赛,据热刺官网报道两人以及边卫沃克或将继续缺阵周末对阵纽卡的联赛。 目前主帅波切蒂诺还不确定三人是否能够登场。洛里因为膝盖伤势,费尔通亨因病都错...

Tottenham goalkeeper Lori and defender Phil Jan consecutive due to injury sidelined teams because of, according to the Spurs website reported two people and fullbacks walker or will continue to absence at the weekend against Newcastle United in the league. Current coach Pochettino is not sure whether the three people can come on stage. Lori because of the knee injury, Phil Ton Henry due to illness...