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土豪蓝军砸3300万租用温布利 与同城死敌抢新家

Tyrant Blues hit 33 million hire Wembley and rivals to grab new home

2015-07-07 16:57:34来源: 网易

英媒报道切尔西欲每年支付1100万英镑租借英格兰队主场新温布利大球场3年,并在竞争中领先同城对手热刺。 网易体育7月7日报道: 切尔西规划新球场的同时也在寻求临时主场,英媒报道他们欲每年支付1100万英镑租借英格兰队主场温布利球场3年,并在竞争中领先同在伦敦的对手热刺。 蓝军欲33...

British media reported that Chelsea want to annual pay 1100 million pound loan England home at the new Wembley Stadium three years, and a leading London rivals Tottenham in the competition. Netease sports on July 7 reported: Chelsea planning a new stadium at the same time also in the search for a temporary home, British media reported they want to pay each year 11 million pounds on loan England home team at Wembley Stadium for 3 years, and in the competition leading presence in London rivals Tottenham. Blues 33...