新关注 > 信息聚合 > 红牛天梯速降赛震撼落幕 30秒飞下999级台阶

红牛天梯速降赛震撼落幕 30秒飞下999级台阶

Red Bull ladder downhill race shock ended 30 seconds fly 999 steps Netease

2015-05-26 00:46:01来源: 网易

网易体育5月24日报道: 红牛天梯速降赛在张家界天门山国家森林公园圆满落下帷幕,来自8个国家和地区的15名国际知名选手联手为观众奉献了一场震撼表演。来自加拿大的车手加勒特·比特以29.940秒成绩夺得速度赛冠军,美国车手迈克·蒙哥马利以87.66分夺得技巧赛冠军。 竞速赛30秒飞下9...

, Netease sports 5 reported on September 24: Red Bull ladder downhill race in Zhangjiajie Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park to fall satisfactorily next heavy curtain, from eight countries and regions of 15 international well-known players teamed up for the audience dedicated a stunning performance. Garrett Peter, a Canadian driver, won the championship in 29.940 seconds, and the US driver, Montgomerie Mike, won the tournament with 87.66 points.. Sprint 30 seconds fly 9...