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《QQ炫舞》12月回归活动 同享圣诞狂欢节

"QQ dazzle dance" December return to share Christmas Carnival activities

2014-12-17 09:58:46来源: 新浪

QQ炫舞 CGWR 得分 CGWR:44 位 CGWR介绍 QQ炫舞圣诞节将至,老友们快快回归炫舞小镇,一起同享圣诞狂欢。12月12日至12月28日参与活动,超多专属好礼抱回家! 【老友回归专属好礼】 离线30天以上的部分幸运玩家可领取活动页面专属奖励;离线30天以上的全...

QQ dazzle dance CGWR score of CGWR:44 bit CGWR introduced QQ dazzle dance Christmas is approaching, the friends quickly return to dazzle the town, together to enjoy the Christmas carnival. December 28th December 12th to participate in activities, much super exclusive good gift home! [li] exclusive good friends return offline for more than 30 days some lucky game player can receive the event page exclusive rewards; offline for more than 30 days all...