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"War" in the spirit of God gifted boy Cao Chong

2014-06-27 18:57:49来源: 太平洋游戏网

小时候大家一定听过曹冲称象的故事,对于小小男神的机智,同学们都是大为赞许的,不过都说有天赋的人物都短命……比如乔教主、小男神也终究逃不过老天爷。不过没关系,小男神终于登场《战灵》,小伙伴们都说这是有史以来最好用的法师型武将了! 小小男神,大大法师 曹冲是曹操最喜欢的庶子,而且曹冲...

when you heard as Cao Chong said the story, to a little god wit, classmates are favourable, but said that the talented person...... For example, Joe leader boy God also can not escape the god. But never mind, small God finally debut "spiritual warfare", friends say this is a mage type generals in history the best use of the! Little God, greatly master Cao Chong is most like the bastard Cao Cao, but Cao chong...