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How to change the world? Giant ar

2015-08-05 17:33:41来源: 南方网

萌萌的巨人 AR,即增强现实技术,是一种能将现实世界和虚拟世界结合起来的技术,能让人能更直接地了解现实世界。而开发商到底用AR做了些什么呢?他们最初将其运用在高大上的轿车上,查看汽车外壳下看不到的产品构件,当然AR还有很多应用,跟雷锋网一起来看看吧。 美国时装业很早就看上了AR技...

Meng Meng of the strengthening practical technology is a combination of the real world and the virtual world technology, can give people a more direct understanding of the real world. And the developers in the end with AR to do what? They initially put it on the tall on the car, to see the car shell can not see the product components, of course, there are many AR applications, with Lei Feng network to see it. American fashion industry has long been a fancy AR technology...