新关注 > 信息聚合 > BioMarin 侏儒症药物 Vosoritide 可改善患者生长..

BioMarin 侏儒症药物 Vosoritide 可改善患者生长..

From dwarfism drug Vosoritide improve patient growth..

2015-06-19 19:57:32来源: 丁香园

BioMarin 制药公司表示,该公司试验药物 BMN 111(vosoritide) 在一项中期研究中,能够改善最常见形式侏儒症儿童的生长状况。BioMarin 称,这款药物在软骨发育不全儿童中得...

BioMarin pharmaceutical company said, the company's test drug BMN 111 vosoritide in a mid stage study, can improve the most common form of dwarfism children's growth. BioMarin said the drug was not fully developed in children with cartilage...