新关注 > 信息聚合 > 光靠设计突围的产品,为何总是昙花一现?


Light on the design of products, why is always a flash in the pan?

2015-03-30 15:44:51来源: 新浪

文/杨青山 做设计多年,创过几次业,总想靠着手上的技艺真正做成一件事。然而,看过太多昙花一现的优秀“设计”产品,在市场上挣扎、覆灭,作为一名设计师的无力感却越发深重。 十几年时光,设计沉淀下来的东西其实很简单。 什么是设计?设计要解决什么? 首先明确一个概念:广义的设计和...

/ Yang Qingshan to do a design for many years, a few times, always want to rely on to the art of something real. However, seen too many short-lived outstanding design products, struggling in the market, destruction, as a designer's inability to sense is more profound. More than ten years, the design of precipitation down the thing is actually very simple. What is design? Design to solve what? First clear a concept: generalized design and...