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苹果暗示:iPhone 7要抛弃3.5mm耳机接口

Apple suggested: 7 to abandon the iPhone 3.5 mm headphone jack

2016-06-03 15:06:32来源: TechWeb

今年坊间盛传苹果公司将会取消iPhone独立接口设计,虽然目前还没有确切的消息证明这一消息的准确性。但是在返校季促销活动中,苹果免费赠送无线耳机的举动被外媒视为这是苹果发出的一个信号,苹果在为无线听歌体验铺路,全文如下: 昨天苹果公司的返校促销活动在美国、波多黎各和加拿大的苹果零售店和...

This year, rumours that apple will be cancelled the iPhone interface design independently, although there is no exact message to prove the accuracy of the news. But in back-to-school sales promotion activities, apple complimentary wireless headset move by foreign media as this is a signal from the apple, apple in paving the way for the wireless music experience, the full text is as follows: apple's back-to-school sales promotion yesterday apple stores in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada and...

标签: 苹果