新关注 > 信息聚合 > 7月8月风险高峰期 溺水是浙江1~14岁儿童首位死因

7月8月风险高峰期 溺水是浙江1~14岁儿童首位死因

July August risk peak drowning is summer Zhejiang 1 to 14 years old children's first cause of death

2015-07-21 12:17:38来源: 人民网

夏天,又到了孩子们到处撒野的时候,不过家长们可千万要在这个时候提高警惕。 昨天,省疾控提醒:溺水是浙江省1~14岁儿童的首位死因,7、8月为风险高峰期。 根据浙江省死因监测系统数据显示,20...

, and to children everywhere wildly, but parents can do to be vigilant at this time. Yesterday, the provincial disease control reminder: drowning is the first cause of death in children aged 1~14 years in Zhejiang Province, 7, August is the peak risk. According to the data of the death surveillance system in Zhejiang Province, 20...