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一汽大众全新速腾 万家凯迪重庆上市会

FAW VW new Sagitar million Kaidi listed in Chongqing will

2015-05-17 17:08:05来源: 爱卡汽车网

[XCAR 重庆 资讯] 2015年5月16日,一汽大众 重庆万家凯迪4S店举行全新速腾的上市发布会。据介绍,新车共推出9款车型,官方售价为13.18-18.58万元,新车在外观内饰上进行了改进...

[XCAR Chongqing information may 2015 16, FAW Volkswagen Chongqing 10000 Cadillac 4S shop held new Sagitar listing of the conference. According to reports, the new car launched a total of 9 models, the official price of 13.18-18.58 million yuan, the new car in the appearance of the interior has been improved...