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浙江遂昌提升乡村“净”界 打造村野山间的绿富美

Zhejiang Suichang enhance rural "net" community build rustic mountain beauty rich green

2015-06-19 20:38:01来源: 中国新闻网

中新网丽水6月19日电(记者 奚金燕)多少年来,对于乡村,人们一直纠结于一种爱恨交织的情感中,喜欢它的朴实、宁静、生态、自然,又厌恶它的它脏、乱、差。多少乡村,看上去很美,住下来却很难…… 但此...

new network of Lishui June 19 (reporter Xi Jinyan) for many years, in the countryside, people have been entangled in a love hate emotions intertwined, like the simple, quiet, ecological, natural disgust it it is dirty, chaotic, and poor. How many villages, looks very beautiful, but it is difficult to live down...... But this...