新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄之境糖糖配招推荐


Heroes of the environment the sugar with recruit recommend sugar

2015-06-02 12:45:57来源: 4399

英雄之境糖糖配招攻略 英雄之境糖糖怎么配招 副本配招推荐 1、执事契约+元素黑洞+元素烈焰 搭配理由:搭配的两个技能是由糖糖直接触发的更容易操作一些,两个技能的伤害倍率也是不俗。3J后释放天赋技能黑白熊君落地时会有2段攻击然后继续4J击飞目标后释放元素烈焰可以打击到浮空目标同时黑白...

hero hero Raiders recruit sugar with how recruit copy with strokes recommend 1, Deacon contract + elements elements of black hole + flames reason collocation, collocation of two skills is direct trigger from sugar more easy to operate a number of, two skill damage rate is impressive. 3j after release talent skills and Xiong Jun landing there will be 2 attack and then continue 4J blow fly target after the release of elemental flames can blow to the floating object and the black and white...