新关注 > 信息聚合 > 伊能静自曝被秦昊背着回家 二人公开恩爱不避讳

伊能静自曝被秦昊背着回家 二人公开恩爱不避讳

Annie Yi admit Qin Hao back home two public mercy love not taboo

2015-04-01 17:57:38来源: 河北新闻网

4月1日,伊能静在微博感网友与媒体,“谢谢大家的祝福~~辛苦在外面站台一天的媒体朋友。”还自曝昨晚是被秦先生背回家的,要好好调养身体了。新婚夫妇恩爱溢于言表。 3月31日晚上,刚刚在泰国举行完婚...

4 month 1 days, Annie Yi in the sense of micro-blog netizens and the media, "thank you all ~ ~ hard outside the station the day the media friends." Last night was also exposes the Qin back home, to take care the body. The newly wed couple shows between the lines. The evening of March 31st, was held in Thailand...