新关注 > 信息聚合 > 伍兹首家餐厅或将推迟开业 好友乔丹提前探访

伍兹首家餐厅或将推迟开业 好友乔丹提前探访

Woods's first restaurant opened in advance or delayed Jordan visit friends

2015-03-07 20:55:56来源: 网易

伍兹的首家餐馆即将开业,尽管还在建造中,但伍兹好友乔丹已经提前来参观,而麦克罗伊因为将球打到水中,怒火中烧,将球杆扔到水中。 网易体育3月7日报道: 北京时间3月7日消息,伍兹上一次参赛还是在农夫保险公开赛上,2月11日公开表示将要离开赛场一段时间,尽管暂时扔掉了高尔夫球杆,但伍兹球...

Woods's first restaurant opening soon, although still under construction, but Woods friends Jordan already ahead of time to visit, and McElroy because the ball into the water, burst into anger, the club into the water in the. NetEase sports in March 7th reported: March 7th Beijing time news, Woods last played or at the Farmers Insurance open, publicly stated in February 11th will leave the field for a period of time, although temporarily away golf club, but Woods ball...