新关注 > 信息聚合 > 解读:天源迪科牵手华为开发警务云市场


Interpretation: TYDIC hand development for Huawei police cloud market

2015-08-10 20:42:39来源: 中证网

中证网讯 天源迪科(300047)8月10日晚间公告,公司近日与华为技术有限公司签署了《合作备忘录》,就联合开发公安警务云及大数据创新解决方案等事宜达成合作备忘录。 根据协议,天源迪科和华为将联...

card network TYDIC (300047) on 10 August evening announcement, the company recently and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. signed a "memorandum of cooperation", joint development innovation of public security police cloud and big data solution scheme matters reached a memorandum of cooperation. According to the agreement, and the Huawei Tianyuan dike...