新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郑容和李弘基金希澈金宇彬 朴信惠私交异性好友堪..

郑容和李弘基金希澈金宇彬 朴信惠私交异性好友堪..

Jeong Yong Hwa Li Hongji Kim Hee Chul Jin Yubin Park Shin Hye is understood to be a friend of the opposite sex..

2014-12-19 08:28:14来源: 荆楚网

朴信惠与张根硕 两人童星出道,凭借《原来是美男》的默契合作成为韩流新偶像,人气实力的魅力明星,同时两人私下关系极好,都视对方为最佳拍档。

Park Shin Hye and Chung Geun-hee two child star debut, with "beauty" of the original is tacit cooperation become the new popular Korean idol, the strength of the attractive star, and two private relationship is excellent, regard each other as the best partner.