新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黑色商务 戴尔LatitudeE7250轻薄本首测

黑色商务 戴尔LatitudeE7250轻薄本首测

Black business Dell LatitudeE7250 light of the first test

2015-05-07 06:18:39来源: 中关村在线

Latitude系属戴尔笔记本产品中的商用高端系列。较高的定位要求Latitude拥有精湛的做工工艺与稳重的外观设计。该系列笔记本主要应用于商务领域,以稳定、安全和高效而闻名,其所具备的功能特性受到众多商务人士的喜爱。今天ZOL评测中心将要迎来的就是超薄定位的Latitude E7250...

Latitude is Dell notebook products in high-end commercial series. The higher the positioning requirement of Latitude has superb work process and steady design. This series of notebook is mainly used in the field of business, which is famous for its stability, safety and efficiency, its functional properties have attracted many businessmen. Is the location ultra-thin ZOL testing center will usher in today's Latitude E7250...