新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《任意依恋》曝海报 金宇彬秀智甜蜜依偎

《任意依恋》曝海报 金宇彬秀智甜蜜依偎

"Any attachment" exposed posters Kim Woo-bin show wisdom snuggle sweet

2016-06-02 12:30:34来源: 新浪

新浪娱乐讯 韩国KBS电视台新剧《任意依恋》官方海报公开。 2日,电视剧《任意依恋》制作方公开了主演金宇彬[微博]和秀智的情侣海报。在公开的照片中,秀智深情地望着金宇彬,金玉彬则一脸宠溺甜蜜,站...

LOS ANGELES Korean KBS television drama "any attachment," the official poster public. 2, the TV drama "any attachment" producers discloses starring Kim Woo-bin [microblogging] and a couple of posters show wisdom. In the disclosed photographs, show wisdom fondly looking at Kim Woo-bin, Kim Ok-bin is a look spoiled sweet, station ...