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PS4获新版媒体播放器 终于可以看MKV了

PS4 won the new media player can finally see MKV the

2015-06-16 20:04:48来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】在E3前夕,索尼终于通过官方博客宣布了将为PS4推出一款官方媒体播放工具的消息,而PS4用户们也将能够在这台主机上播放视频和音乐、以及浏览照片了。现在,索尼宣布PS4的新版Media Player将于今天开放下载,新版应用图标将会出现在PS4的内容区域,随后将会...

[Yesky News Channel News] on the eve of the E3, Sony finally through the official blog announced the news the PS4 launched a state-run media playback tools, and PS4 users will also be able to in this host broadcast video and music, and photo browsing. Now, SONY announced that the new version of Media Player PS4 will be open today, the new version of the application icon will appear in the content area of the PS4, and then will...

标签: PS PS4