新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《我的歌声里》收官 孙楠黄绮珊任贤齐讲暖心故事

《我的歌声里》收官 孙楠黄绮珊任贤齐讲暖心故事

"My song" ending Sun Nan Huang Qishan Richie told warm heart story

2015-06-30 22:56:33来源: 中国网

合影 任贤齐张卫健 原标题:《我的歌声里》收官 孙楠黄绮珊任贤齐讲暖心故事 国际在线消息(记者高胜慧):6月30日,《我的歌声里》迎来收官之夜,魔力男神任贤齐做客节目,他幽默风趣,又不失男...

photo Richie Dicky Cheung original title: "my song" ending Sun Nan Huang Qishan Richie told warm heart Story International online news (reporter Gao Sheng Hui): June 30, and the sound of my song "usher in ending the night, the magic man God Richie guest program, his humorous and male...