新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专家支招城市“治堵”:修建高架桥并非一剂灵药


Expert weapon "city block": Construction of the viaduct is not a panacea

2014-09-20 23:21:13来源: 金融界

9月19日下午3点到晚上8点30分,横贯济南城区的主要通道经十路、北园高架桥、旅游路和纵贯济南城区的二环东路、舜耕路和英雄山路等交通要道同时出现了超过5公里的严重拥堵。图为济南市二环东高架桥被堵得严严实实。当地人说,这种情况近年来很常见。 李欣 摄 中新网济南9月20日电 (张原 曲...

9 month 19 days afternoon from 3 to eight thirty in the evening, the main channel of the trans Ji'nan city in the ten road, Beiyuan viaduct, tourism and the Second Ring Road, Ji'nan road runs through the city Shungeng road and mountain road traffic at the same time the hero there was a serious congestion of more than 5 kilometers. For Ji'nan City East 2nd Ring Road Viaduct blocked yanyanshishi. Local people said, this situation is very common in recent years. Li Xin perturbation in new network Ji'nan on 20 September, (music by Zhang Yuan...