新关注 > 信息聚合 > 古人生活大揭秘:太监蹲着尿尿 女人不穿内裤

古人生活大揭秘:太监蹲着尿尿 女人不穿内裤

Secret life of the ancients: eunuch crouch pee women do not wear underwear

2015-04-26 08:45:29来源: 大河网


eunuch to be castrated? The how to pee? Do surgery, first with a white stripe below will be castrate abdominal tied up, and then there is a paralytic effect of hot water to disinfect, then the people's hands and feet bound, and then you see the chef knife skills. The best knife to solve, the penis, scrotum be cut, otherwise the cartilage grows...