新关注 > 信息聚合 > 川子新EP首携女儿献唱 臧天朔力挺合作《兄弟》

川子新EP首携女儿献唱 臧天朔力挺合作《兄弟》

Chuan Zi's new EP song with daughter Zang Tianshuo sing supports cooperation "brothers"

2014-11-22 12:35:36来源: 环球网

图集详情: 11月21日,民谣艺人川子全新EP《川 行肆拾年》的发布暨演唱会在北京糖果现场举行,这也是他牵手新东家“天博娱乐”后的首张作品。整整两个小时的演出可谓高潮迭起,川子用他独有的风格为在...

atlas details: November 21st, folk artist Chuan Zi new EP "Sichuan for 40 years" release and the concert will be held in the Beijing candy site, first works which is his hand a new club "Tianbo entertainment" after. A full two hours of the show is climax after another, Chuan Zi with his unique style in...