新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张掖民乐县四举措为工业企业引进急需人才


Minle County, Zhangye four initiatives for industrial enterprises to introduce much-needed talent

2015-07-15 15:38:43来源: 中国甘肃网

原标题:民乐县四举措为工业企业引进急需人才 中国甘肃网7月15日讯 据甘肃张掖网报道(通讯员 王翠玲)今年,张掖民乐县27户规模以上企业中有人才需求的9户39个岗位,新建企业有人才需求12户143...

original title: Minle County four initiatives for industrial enterprises to introduce much-needed talent network of Gansu Province in China, July 15 news reported according to the Gansu Zhangye network (correspondent wangcuiling) this year, Minle County, Zhangye 27 above scale enterprises have talent demand of 9 39 households jobs and new enterprises have talent demand 12 143.