新关注 > 信息聚合 > 自主招生简章陆续公布 北大、清华方案仍“在路上”

自主招生简章陆续公布 北大、清华方案仍“在路上”

Independent recruitment brochure published in Beijing University, Tsinghua programme is still "at the end of the road"

2015-02-27 23:40:54来源: 人民网

2月即将结束,教育部要求高校公布自主招生简章的截止时间越来越近。今天,90所试点高校自主招生简章已陆续在教育部阳光高考平台上发布,但截至发稿时,包括清华、北大在内的17所试点高校,仍未公布简章。 ...

2 month, the requirements of the Ministry of education of university independent recruitment brochure published cut-off time more and more near. Today, 90 pilot university independent recruitment brochure has been published on the Ministry of education sunshine college entrance examination platform, but as of press time, including Tsinghua, Peking University, 17 colleges, has yet to publish the prospectus. ...