新关注 > 信息聚合 > 酷暑盛夏 呼和浩特一小区72户居民陷“上甘岭”窘境

酷暑盛夏 呼和浩特一小区72户居民陷“上甘岭”窘境

Midsummer Hohhot, a district of 72 households trapped "Shangganling" dilemma

2015-07-13 21:24:13来源: 人民网

图为在加压站位置盖起的房子 张瑾娴 摄 中新网呼和浩特7月13日电 (张瑾娴)7月的呼和浩特市烈日炎炎、火热难耐,但令人更为上火的是该市一老旧小区的居民面临着“上甘岭”吃水难的窘境,眼下酷暑对于...

figure in the position of compression built house ZhangJin Xian photo Beijing, Hohhot, July 13 (ZhangJin Xian) July of Hohhot, the scorching sun, hot and intolerable, but is more lit is one of the city's old district residents facing a difficult dilemma "Shangganling" draft, the current heat for...