新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宿管阿姨邀请吃饭 满满都是家的温暖

宿管阿姨邀请吃饭 满满都是家的温暖

Lodge tube aunt invited to eat full is home warm

2015-10-03 11:52:00来源: 安徽电视台

宿管阿姨一向让人感觉严厉不讲情面,不过这个南大的宿管阿姨可挺温和,在宿舍楼里办起烧烤晚会,让刚入学的大学新生们感受到了家的温暖。 宿管阿姨请新生吃烧烤 新生别样中秋:宿管阿姨请吃烧烤 看全家福...

Lodge tube aunt always make people feel harsh sensibilities, but the South Lodge tube aunt can be very gentle, in the dorm run from the barbecue, make newly enrolled freshmen who felt the warmth of home. Please eat barbecue new freshman dorm aunt Mid Autumn Festival: please eat barbecue at the dorm aunt Quan Jiafu...