新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西媒曝皇马将在今天宣布安切洛蒂下课


Western media exposure to Real Madrid will today announce Ancelotti class

2015-05-25 20:05:11来源: 新浪

《马卡报》截屏 《阿斯报》截屏 新浪体育讯 北京时间5月25号下午,据西班牙媒体《马卡报》的消息,皇马主席弗洛伦蒂诺将在当地时间19点(北京时间26号凌晨1点)召开新闻发布会,届时宣布主帅安切...

, "Marca" screenshot "Aspen" screenshot of sina sports news Beijing time on May 25 afternoon, according to the Spanish newspaper Marca "news, Real Madrid president Florentino Perez will in the local time 19 points (Beijing time 26 before dawn 1) held a press conference, then announced coach Ancelotti...