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Broaden the life with volunteer service breadth (volunteer)

2016-02-26 20:01:55来源: 人民网甘肃视窗

一位90后女大学生,为去艰苦山区支教毅然放弃保研。在加入志愿服务队的7年里,她从未停止奉献的脚步。她说自己一直在思考什么样的青春是有意义、有价值、有深度的。志愿服务使她找到了答案——青春的价值在于为了理想执着奋斗,青春的意义在于为了他人无私奉献。 安玥琦现为华中农业大学食品科技学院博...

After a 90 female college students, to go hard mountain education resolutely give up study. Joined the volunteer service of 7 years, she never stop the footsteps of dedication. She said she had been thinking what is youth, deep meaningful and valuable. Volunteer to make she found the answer - the value of youth is persistent struggle for his ideal, the meaning of the youth is selfless dedication to others. AnYue ji bo is central China agricultural college food institute of science and technology...