新关注 > 信息聚合 > 李光洁自嘲识字不多:希望多认识几个字


LiGuangJie joked literacy: wanting to know more about the words on the

2015-06-23 20:39:58来源: 中国青年网

中新网北京6月23日电(记者 张曦)23日,“搜狗输入法9周年粉丝嘉年华”在北京隆重举办,演员李光洁亲临现场与粉丝互动,他笑言自己是该输入法的忠实粉丝,“对我这种识字不多,但又希望多认识几个字的文艺...

new network Beijing June 23 (reporter Zhang Xi) 23, "Sogou input method the ninth anniversary of the fans Carnival" in Beijing held a grand, LiGuangJie actors visit the scene to interact with fans. He smiled and said oneself is the input method of loyal fans, "on the low levels of literacy, but hope know a few words of literature and art...