新关注 > 信息聚合 > 信阳淮滨一90多岁老人做针线活来飞针自如


Xinyang Huaibin a 90 year old sewing live to fly needle freely

2015-03-31 11:38:20来源: 大河网

信阳网讯 据一位网友介绍,河南省淮滨县顺河办事处居民韩杨氏,今年已是90多岁的高龄,身体健康,耳聪目明,还能做针线活。 闻此消息,日前,我们慕名来到位于淮滨县城关二小旁的韩杨氏家中,实地探了这位...

network according to a netizen, Henan Huaibin County Shunhe office the residents of Han Yang, this year is more than 90 years of age, physical health and alertness, but also doing needlework. Hear this news, recently, we are attracted to the smallest is located in Huaibin County near the Han Young's home, on the spot...