新关注 > 信息聚合 > 博主亲身示范 适合矮个姑娘的30种街拍造型

博主亲身示范 适合矮个姑娘的30种街拍造型

Blogger personal demonstration for a short girl 30 street beat modeling

2015-05-14 19:54:51来源: YOKA时尚网

虽然如今的时尚圈都快被细高挑的姑娘们包围了,但还是有一批矮个姑娘,靠着出众的品位与混搭方式,屡屡打造出让人眼前一亮的街拍造型,今天编辑为大家介绍三位在时尚领域表现出彩的红博主,让她们亲自示范娇小姑娘的穿搭方案。 Daniela Ramirez是来自美国佛罗里达州的时尚博主,她的个子不...

although today's fashion circle was surrounded by tall thin girls, but there are still a number of short girl, by a superior taste and mashups, often create transfer people's eyes a bright street shoot modeling, today editor to introduce three in the field of fashion color Hongbo master, let them personally demonstration Petite Girl Outfit scheme. Daniela Ramirez is a fashion blogger from USA Florida, she was...