新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陈志文:高中将是留学热的一个阶段新热点


Chen Zhiwen: high school will be the study hot phase of a new hot

2015-03-20 18:26:01来源: 人民网

人民网北京3月20日电(记者郝孟佳 实习生徐旻)昨日,在教育部留学服务中心与中国教育在线联合主办的“国际教育发展与挑战论坛”上,中国教育在线总编辑陈志文表示,现在出国留学呈现出一个低龄化、再低龄化的...

people.com.cn Beijing on 20 March, (reporter Hao Mengjia Intern Xu Min) yesterday, the Ministry of Education jointly sponsored study abroad in the service center and the China Education Online "international education challenge and Development Forum", China Education online editor in chief Chen Zhiwen said, now go abroad study showing a younger age, younger age...