新关注 > 信息聚合 > Commvault:研究显示企业需要一个更加集中化的数..


Commvault: research shows that companies need to focus on a more centralized..

2015-08-17 23:27:41来源: 199IT

这项调查由Commvault公司赞助,亚太地区多个垂直行业的数百名客户参与了本次调查。此次调查得出的一个核心结论是:企业需要一个更加集中化的数据管理策略。 数据具有价值,数据是企业的重要战略资产。...

survey sponsored by Commvault company, the Asia Pacific region, a number of vertical industries hundreds of customers participated in this survey. A key conclusion of the investigation is that the enterprise needs a more centralized data management strategy. Data has value, data is an important strategic asset of the enterprise. ...