新关注 > 信息聚合 > 26款纽约时装周美甲来袭!金属色美甲霸道横行


26 New York fashion week Manicure struck! Metal color nail riding roughshod over

2015-09-16 16:06:16来源: YOKA时尚网

纽约2016春夏时装周还让我们看的眼花缭乱欲罢不能的就是模特的美甲啦!下个春天,你最不能缺少的美甲风格就是金属色泽以及明亮轻快的美甲颜色。26款T台上的美甲让我们一起看个够吧。 纽约2016春夏...

2016 Summer in New York Fashion week also let us look at the dazzling to stop is the model of the nail! Next spring, the lack of Manicure style you most is the color of the metal and not bright color Manicure. 26 T Taiwan on the Manicure let us see enough. New York 2016 spring and summer...